[January 2025] American Pride Whisky Price in India | Great Taste?

Today, we will talk about American Pride Whisky Prices in India. This whiskey is relatively new in the Indian market.

Many people might already know about its taste, and before purchasing, they often do their research.

So, today we will provide you with information about its price, ingredients, and color to give you a clear picture. You can read our article to gather all this information.

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American Pride Whisky Price in India | American Pride Whisky 750ml Price in India

Brand NameBottle mlBottle Prices
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american pride whiskey price in bagalore750ml1171 Rs
american pride whiskey price in Bhopal750ml1250 to 1280 Rs
american pride whisky price in Chandigarh | american pride whiskey price in Chandigarh750mlN/A
American pride whisky price in Mumbai750ml1170 Rs (Online Store)
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american pride whisky price in Kolkata | american pride whiskey price in Kolkata750ml960 to 990 Rs
american pride whisky price in rajasthan750ml995 Rs
american pride whisky price in Goa750ml1340 to 1380 Rs
american pride whisky price in Guwahati750ml1200 to 1400 Rs
american pride whiskey price in Gurgaon750mlN/A
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american pride whisky price in Hyderabad750ml1330 to 1360 Rs
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american pride whiskey price in Karnataka750ml1160 to 1180 Rs
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american pride whisky price in assam 2025

Whisky NameWhisky mlWhisky Prices
American pride whisky price in Assam90ml190 to 210 Rs
American pride whisky price in Assam180ml350 to 380 Rs
American pride whisky price in Assam375ml670 to 710 Rs
American pride whisky price in Assam750ml1350 to 1420 Rs
American pride whisky price in Assam1000ml1830 to 1850 Rs
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American pride whisky price in Mumbai 2025

Brand NameWhisky mlWhisky Prices
American pride whisky price in Mumbai90ml190 Rs
American pride whisky price in Mumbai180ml350 Rs
American pride whisky price in Mumbai375ml680 Rs
American pride whisky price in Mumbai750ml1170 Rs (Online Store)
American pride whisky price in Mumbai1000ml1540 to 1570 Rs
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Royal challenge american pride price in online store

Brand NameBottle mlBottle Prices
Royal challenge american pride price in online store180ml280 Rs
Royal challenge american pride price in online store750ml1170 Rs
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American pride whisky price in Kolkata 2025

WhiskyVolumeWhisky Rate
American pride whisky price in Kolkata90ml150 to 200 Rs
American pride whisky price in Kolkata180ml260 to 300 Rs
American pride whisky price in Kolkata375ml490 to 510 Rs
American pride whisky price in Kolkata750ml960 to 990 Rs
American pride whisky price in Kolkata1000ml1280 to 1310 Rs

American pride whisky price in Punjab 2025

WhiskyWhisky VolumeWhisky Prices
American pride whisky price in Punjab90ml140 to 180 Rs
American pride whisky price in Punjab180ml240 to 280 Rs
American pride whisky price in Punjab375ml440 to 470 Rs
American pride whisky price in Punjab750ml840 to 860 Rs
American pride whisky price in Punjab1000ml1120 to 1150 Rs
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American pride whisky price in Goa 2025

BrandBottle mlBottle Prices
American pride whisky price in Goa 202590ml180 to 200 Rs
American pride whisky price in Goa 2025180ml350 to 370 Rs
American pride whisky price in Goa 2025375ml680 to 700 Rs
American pride whisky price in Goa 2025750ml1340 to 1380 Rs
American pride whisky price in Goa 20251000ml1770 to 1800 Rs

American pride whisky price in Rajasthan 2025

Whisky NameBottle mlBottle Prices
American pride whisky price in Rajasthan 202590ml190 to 220 Rs
American pride whisky price in Rajasthan 2025180ml360 to 390 Rs
American pride whisky price in Rajasthan 2025375ml690 to 720 Rs
American pride whisky price in Rajasthan 2025750ml1330 to 1380 Rs
American pride whisky price in Rajasthan 20251000ml1780 to 1820 Rs
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American pride whiskey price in Bhopal 2025

Brand NameWhisky mlWhisky Prices
American pride whiskey price in Bhopal 202590ml180 to 210 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Bhopal 2025180ml340 to 380 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Bhopal 2025375ml640 to 690 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Bhopal 2025750ml1250 to 1280 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Bhopal 20251000ml1670 to 1690 Rs

American pride whiskey price in Karnataka 2025

Brand NameWhisky mlWhisky Prices
American pride whiskey price in Karnataka90ml160 to 200 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Karnataka180ml300 to 330 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Karnataka375ml590 to 620 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Karnataka750ml1160 to 1180 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Karnataka1000ml1570 to 1590 Rs

American pride whiskey price in Hyderabad 2025

Whisky NameWhisky mlWhisky Rate
American pride whiskey price in Hyderabad90ml190 to 220 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Hyderabad180ml350 to 390 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Hyderabad375ml690 to 720 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Hyderabad750ml1330 to 1360 Rs
American pride whiskey price in Hyderabad1000ml1790 to 1820 Rs

Disclaimer:- Any information mentioned here is only for knowledge purposes. We do not recommend drinking any kind of narcotics nor any kind of sale is done through our website. Here only the price of whiskey is told for knowledge and not to buy and sell them.

Some Brief Information Of Royal Challenge American Pride

American Pride is the name, but don’t assume it’s an American whiskey; it’s an Indian whiskey brand. The blend used in it is interesting.

Inside this whiskey, you’ll find 42.8% content, which is standard for all whiskeys.

You can find this whiskey in many states of India.

The bottle is quite beautiful with a red colour and has a premium quality feel.

You can get this whiskey for less than 1000 rupees in many Indian states.


The ingredients include demineralized water, grains-neutral spirit, American whiskey spirit, and Scotch whiskey.

No artificial flavouring is used, giving it a natural taste, but artificial colouring is added to give it a distinct appearance.


As for the taste, a card is included with the bottle that provides a recipe for enjoying the whiskey.

It has a hint of caramel and a light honey aroma, making the nosing experience quite pleasant.

Drinking this whiskey neat is not recommended, as it may burn your tongue.

Dilute it a bit before consuming.

In this price range, many whiskeys might burn when taken neat, but this has a smoother taste.

It has an oak and sweet vanilla flavour.

When you add water, the aroma becomes milder, but the taste remains quite good.

You can sense the vanilla and honey notes.

Brand NameAmerican Pride Whisky (Gold Blended)
Which country brand?India
color?Deep Golden Color
Ingredients?Demineralized Water, Grains Neutral Spirit, Scotch Whisky and American Whisky
American Pride Whisky Price in India
American Pride Whisky Price in India 2025

Frequently asked questions

What is the price of American Pride whiskey in UP India?

Answer: The price of American Pride whisky in UP for 750ml is 1360 Rs.

Which country made American pride whiskey?

Answer: American Pride Whisky made by Diageo India through Royal Challenge.

What is the price of Royal Challenge American Pride 750ml in Kolkata?

Answer: The price of Royal Challenge Whisky in kolkata for 750ml is 900 to 1000 Rs.

What is the price of American Pride whiskey 750ml in India?

Answer: The average price of american pride whisky in India for 750ml is under the 1000 Rs. But some other state goes to above 1000 Rs.

american pride whiskey 180ml price in assam?

Answer: The price of American Pride whisky for 180ml is 250 to 290 Rs.


It’s not an extraordinary whiskey, but it’s not bad, either.

Everyone has different preferences regarding whiskey, so some may enjoy it while others may not.

Ultimately, whether you like it or not is up to you. Give it a try at least once. The rest is up to you.

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